Vortex Flow Meter with temperature and pressure compensated
Vortex flowmeter using micro-power high-tech, using lithium battery-powered operation can be interrupted for more than a year, saving the installation cost of cables and display instruments can be displayed instantaneous flow, cumulative flow. Temperature compensated vortex flowmeter with a temperature sensor, you can directly measure the temperature of saturated steam and calculate the pressure, which shows the mass flow of saturated steam. Temperature and pressure compensation integrated with a temperature and pressure sensors for gas flow measurement can be directly measured the temperature of the gas medium and pressure, which shows the gas standard volume flow.
Vortex Steam Flow Meter :http://www.kunlunsensors.com/productpage.php?pid=97
Steam Flow Meter Price :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3LVdtTHnXw
Automatic Tank Gauges :http://www.kunlunsensors.com